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CDIC and Brokered Deposits – Guidance and Webinar Documents

Aug 13, 2019

In May of 2018, the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation released an information bulletin specifically for brokers and financial advisors, covering the following areas:

  1. How CDIC’s coverage rules for trusts apply to deposits made by brokers;
  2. What disclosure is required to ensure clients’ deposits are protected by CDIC;
  3. How to ensure Member Institutions receive your client information; and,
  4. How CDIC aggregates eligible deposits in a failure.

Below is a link to the document:

Guidance for CDIC Coverage of Brokered Deposits

Also, in August of 2018, the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation held a webinar titled “Understanding CDIC Coverage of Brokered Deposits.” Below is a link to the slideshow from the webinar:

CDIC Webinar Slide Show

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